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Showing posts from January, 2011
I guess it's traditional to say a few words about New Year's resolutions at the beginning of the year, so here goes. The statistics say that only about half of us make New Year's resolutions and only about 1 out of 5 people that make them, keep them. You couldn't tell by going to my gym, though, since the place is uncomfortably crowded these days. But, as usual, about a month from now people's motivation will wane and I'll be able to get on my favorite elliptical trainer again. Resolutions are made to be broken, but goals, on the other hand, can keep us focused all year. So, how do you keep yourself motivated to accomplish the goals that you set for yourself this year? Well, if you know MI, why not use the techniques that you use to motivate your clients to motivate yourself? MI is about eliciting "change talk" from your clients. The more change talk, the more likely people will change. What is your favorite technique for eliciting change talk from yo...